herbal water

Property Description
type light Distillate Heavy distillate Mixed Distillate
temperament very hot Warm Gentle Cold very cold dry Wet
suitable for humor melancholic sanguine phlegmatic choleric
General benefits flavoring anti septic body hotness treatment cold treatment Thirst-quenching Sweet Essence hoarseness treatment Anti toxin body coldness treatment cancer infections treatment blood vessels blockage treatment Chest pain treatment Pesticide tinnitus treatment tremor treatment sore throat treatment poisening treatment chest bleeding prevention cold malaise treatment sore eyes treatment earache treatment cholera treatment hiccups cure
Positive Effects On Respiratory System shortness of breath and asthma treatment Expectorant Treatment of whooping cough Treatment cough relief pulmonary disease treatment or anti-inflammatory drug Pneumonia Treatment lung infection treatment bronchitis Treatment seasonal allergies Treatment Tuberculosis Treatment Sinusitis Treatment
Positive Effects On Cardiovascular System heart strengthener prevention of heart stroke heart disorders treatment blood vessel blockage treatment prevention of atherosclerosis for Lowering bad cholesterol
Positive Effects On Brain And Nervous System antidepressant Exhilarating seizure and epilepsy treatment Anti-anxiety sedative sleep disorders treatment Sleeping dizziness treatment intelligence enhancers memory enhancers brain-boosting Headache treatment hysteria treatment hypersomnia treatment suffocation Treatment Melancholia Treatment Alzheimer's Treatment Parkinson's treatment deep sleep treatment Sciatica Pain Relief Anti restlessness obsession treatment Paralysis treatment tremors treatment
Positive Effects On Digestive System ascites treatment Carminative Stomach tonic Intestinal tonic digestive appetite enhancer Diarrhea Treatment abdominal pain Treatment Antiemetic Antiemetic Astringent bile duct disease treatment Laxative Gastrointestinal tract antiseptic chronic diarrhea Treatment gastric ulcer treatment duodenal ulcer Treatment Anti-parasitic gastric reflux disease treatment burping treatment anus swolling treatment indigestion problems treatment hemorrhoids treatment Elimination abdominal pain positive effect on gastric secretions Elimination gastric hu20ities Colitis treatment Antiparasitic peptic ulcers Treatment Gastric enemas appetite enhancer for children cold stomach treatment
Positive Effects On Urinary System bladder clots treatment Diuretic kidney tonic kidney stones Treatment Bladder stone treatment kidney inflammation treatment urinary tract inflammation treatment Genital Pain Relief dysuria Treatment urinary frequency Treatment albuminuria treatment positive effects on toxins excretion
Positive Effects On Women's problems Menstrual disorders treatment Ovary Strengthening cysts and tumors Treatment heavy menstrual bleeding treatment Spotting treatment Polymenorrhea treatment female hormones regulation fibroids Treatment Infertility Treatment
Positive Effects On Liver And Spleen liver cleanse jaundice Treatment liver strengthener liver pain treatment enlarged spleen treatment Biliary atresia treatment gallstones treatment
Positive Effects On Skin and Hair Health Dandruff treatment hair strengthener Anti Skin allergy Skin allergy treatment skin clarifier hair split ends treatment Antifungal blisters and wounds treatment hair clarifier hair conditioner gray hair prevention greasy hair treatment Anti-freckling skin freshener Antiperspirants hair fall treatment Cutaneous Diseases treatment
Positive Effects On Skeletal System muscle weakness Treatment Antispasmodic backache treatment joint pain relief Anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis treatment children bones Strengthening rickets Treatment Height increase Gout treatment
Positive Effects On Oral Health gum strengthener Toothache Relief Bad Breath treatment mouth ulcer treatment tooth strengthener Tooth whitening Canker Sores treatment
aphrodisiac aphrodisiac Sexual desire disorders treatment Erectile dysfunction sex drive recovery
Positive Effects On Endocrine Glands for Regulation of thyroid function for Endocrine glands regulation hypothyroidism Treatment hyperthyroidism Treatment
Drug rehabilitation drug addiction treatment for drug rehabilitation for Drug rehabilitation side effects reduction
Positive Effects On Blood Disorders Treatment anemia treatment for increasing white blood cell for increasing red blood cell Leukemia Treatment Hematopoietic Enhance blood clotting Blood Purifier High blood pressure treatment prevention of bleeding Thalassemia Treatment Hypoglycemia treatment Hyperglycemia treatment for blood sugar regulation
Positive Effects On Overcoming Obesity And Skinniness for gaining weight fat burner for lossing weight
Strengthening Effects body strengthener for strenghening eyesight energizer Anti-Aging for children growth for Strengthening the immune system
Vitamins A C D E K F1 B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B9 B12
Product Properties Organic cultivation Greenhouse cultivation Traditional cultivation Normal cultivation Standard certificates Pasteurized No preservatives No additives health license double distilled
Side Effects
bottle type glass bottle plastic bottle
best used in
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